Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chapters 3&4: Quote #1 - Teacher's actions are important

To issue the invitation (for a response), the teacher's demeanor, words, and actions need to communicate the following:
(1) I respect who you are as well as who you can become.
(2) I want to know you.
(3) You are unique and valuable.
(4) I believe in you.
(5) I have time for you.
(6) I learn when I listen to you.
(7) This place is yours too.
(8) We need you here.
(Fulfilling the Promise, page 27, top/middle of the right column)

This is extremely meaningful to me, because I'm going to have a class of 30 or so students and each of them are seeking the acceptance from me, the teacher. By being completely conscience of my demeanor, words, and actions I can help all of my students feel welcome in my classroom. Each student needs to feel like they are an asset to the classroom. If I, as the teacher, set the mood that everyone is accepted it will help my classroom community grow as the students learn through my example. Simply said, every student needs to feel appreciated. In this particular scenario of having students respond to the teacher it is important to remember that students will only answer if they feel comfortable. By having a demeanor that shows I care for my students, they will be more willing to take the risk of trying something new. This is only because they know that I will still accept them for who they are.

1 comment:

  1. Teachers really are the barometer for the mood in the classroom.
