Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chapters 3&4: Quote #2 - Class Environment. Important?

From the first day of class until the last, environment will quietly but potently form a line of communication from teacher to student, student to student, and student to teacher... Environment also will speak to the presence or absence of invitation and opportunity to each child individually and, ultimately, to the class as a whole. It will often be the first messenger of how learning will be in this place.
(Fulfilling the Promise, page 37, middle of the right column)

Environment matters! The students are going to be in my classroom for a good 5 hours everyday, and if a student were to not feel comfortable in that environment they would most likely be unable to concentrate and learn. I love how this quote mentions the lines of communication, and how there are more than one line. Communication in the classroom is not just teacher to student. By having a comfortable environment the students will be able to converse with one another, and their understanding and learning will be greater. Also by having that line of communication from student to teacher, there will be a tighter bond within the classroom where students feel comfortable asking questions and giving their opinions. I do believe that the environment needs to be warm and welcoming, but not a joke. This is a place where students are going to learn, and that needs to be known. However, this does not mean that the classroom should be dull or bare. Keep the students in mind and create a classroom that showcases material that is applicable to the students.

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