Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chapter 2: Seize the Opportunity to Shape Lives

2d. On page 22, Tomlinson says, “The truth is, we will never really do all each child needs us to do.” Later on this page she says, “The point is not to entertain guilt. The point is to relentlessly seize the remarkable opportunity of a teacher to shape lives – to do the best we can to ensure that we are better at reaching children today than yesterday, better at it this year than last.”

I love this quote!! Ever since I decided that I wanted to be an elementary teacher I have been extremely nervous about making mistakes and not knowing all the information that my students will need to learn. This quote has eased a lot of those fears. From this quote it states very plainly that a teacher can be human and make mistakes. It also says that there is no way to teach all that our students need to know. I think I already knew this, but it was very nice to read that I don't have to be super women and teach everything perfectly. What I do teach my students, though, needs to be constructed in a way that they can understand what is being taught and I need to do my best with what I am able to achieve. The constant process of reflecting on how I'm teaching, and how my students are learning will help me better my teaching practices. This will be key to reaching my students and knowing their needs. Once that is achieved I can reflect and become a better teacher one day at a time, to then be a better teacher year after year.

1 comment:

  1. Reflection is one of the most important keys and you know it already!
